A great night for Coram at the Resolution Awards 2024

Coram Chambers is delighted to announce that FLANC (Family Law Advice for the Neurodivergent Community) won the Innovation Award at the Resolution Awards 2024. Barrister at Coram Chambers  Caroline Croft…

Coram Chambers is delighted to announce that FLANC (Family Law Advice for the Neurodivergent Community) won the Innovation Award at the Resolution Awards 2024. Barrister at Coram Chambers  Caroline Croft is one of the founding members of FLANC and was there to collect the award and celebrate the win alongside the other cofounders of FLANC.

Coram Chambers proudly sponsored the Wellbeing Champion Award, which was presented to Marc Etherington from Rayden Solicitors by Matthew Richardson from Coram Chambers.

Above: Some photos from the Resolution Awards 2024 event

FLANC was established by a group of specialist and award-winning family lawyers to raise awareness and drive change to ensure that the Family Justice System recognises and meets the needs of neurodivergent children, adults, and families.

Caroline Croft expressed her gratitude, saying, “We are delighted and honoured to have won this award and I would like to thank Resolution, my wonderful colleagues in FLANC and everyone who has supported us”.

“We are delighted and honoured to have won this award and I would like to thank Resolution, my wonderful colleagues in FLANC and everyone who has supported us”.
Caroline Croft, Coram Chambers & Co-Founder of FLANC

Coram Chambers extends its heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and nominees of The Resolution Awards and expresses its appreciation to Resolution for hosting a first-class event.

Find out more

To view Caroline’s profile, please click here.
To find out more about Resolution, please go here.
For more information about the work of FLANC, please go here.

If you are interested in being represented by Caroline Croft, please click below