What year were you called to the Bar?
What year did you join Coram?
What type of family law do you practice?
Public and private children, fertility law
How has being a LGBTQ+ lawyer changed since you were called to the Bar?
Things have changed in the most unbelievable way! Even feeling able to participate in this sort of event would not have been possible for me when I was a pupil or a very junior tenant. I was certainly not able to be out at Bar School or in pupillage interviews. Really, I’d say things started taking a turn for the better after the Civil Partnership Act, and then things really gathered pace after the Equal Marriage Act. Also, the more senior I have become, the more confident I have felt.
Do you feel like being out has affected how people behave towards you at work?
Not overtly at any stage in terms of career progression, but there were some fairly unpleasant conversations at social events in the early years (along the lines of ‘are you absolutely sure you’re a lesbian?’)
What more can be done to support LGBTQ+ lawyers and/or clients in family law?
Visibility is everything. Everyone needs to see themselves reflected in the decision-making parts of society don’t they? So seeing and hearing people who look or sound like ourselves is so critical.
Who is your favourite LGBT+ historical figure?
Difficult one, but probably Harvey Milk – a complete inspiration.
What is the best thing about being a family lawyer?
Knowing that every day, in some small way, I’m helping (or at least trying!) to make a difference to someone’s life. And the camaraderie at the Family Bar is fantastic – the way people have knuckled down and worked together over the Covid crisis has been mindblowing. I feel exceptionally proud to be a member of my profession.