Martha Cover represents children’s charity Article 39 at the  COVID-19 Inquiry Preliminary Hearing into the impact of the pandemic on children and young people

Martha Cover represented Article 39 at the preliminary hearing into the children and young people’s module at the COVID-19 inquiry On the 6th September, Martha Cover represented Article 39 at…

Martha Cover represented Article 39 at the preliminary hearing into the children and young people’s module at the COVID-19 inquiry

On the 6th September, Martha Cover represented Article 39 at the preliminary hearing into the children and young people’s module at the COVID-19 inquiry. Article 39 is a small independent charity which specialises in advising and supporting children who are living in residential care, unregistered accommodation, boarding and special residential schools, youth custody, immigration detention and psychiatric hospitals. These children are intensely vulnerable due to their isolation, and had decreased contact with their families, social workers and independent advocates during the pandemic.

The Right Honourable Baroness Heather Hallett DBE, Chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, has announced core participants for Module 8, which will be focused on examining the impact of the pandemic on children and young people in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Article 39, one of 25 core participants, welcomes the Chair’s recognition of its insights and the assistance it can provide in examining various aspects of Module 8, including the consideration given by the government to the needs and rights of children in the care of the state throughout the pandemic, children’s social care arrangements, and the impact of the pandemic on children in custody and those affected by the immigration system.

Article 39 was among the 12 core participants who made oral submissions at the first preliminary hearing. This critical part of the public inquiry, due to begin on 29th September 2025, will provide a platform for exploring government decision-making, and the extent to which effective structures and systems were put in place to prevent further harm to children, and to ensure children’s rights and interests will be properly considered in future.

Click here to watch the video of Martha’s representation.