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Cason Yong



Cason joined Coram as a pupil in October 2024. He completed his first seat with Kate Hudson and is currently under the supervision of Sarah Tyler.

He holds a First Class Honours law degree from King’s College London (ranked 2nd in his year) and a Bachelor of Civil Law (Distinction) from the University of Oxford as a British Council scholar. He completed the Bar Course (Distinction) at City, University of London, supported by the Baroness Hale of Richmond and FLBA scholarships. Cason ranked 7th out of 370+ students, receiving the Everard Ver Heyden Foundation Prize.

While studying, he has won 4 mooting championships, including the National Speed Moot 2022. He was also named 2nd Best Mooter at the Jessup International Moot 2024 (UK rounds), and 3rd Best Mooter at the Oxford International IP Moot 2022 (Global Rounds).

Previously, Cason has volunteered as a student advisor at King’s Legal Clinic and worked as a paralegal in prime residential property at Keystone Law. He was also the President of a youth-led, non-profit in Malaysia, focused on promoting equality of access to opportunities in the Malaysian Bar for underrepresented groups.

Born and bred in Malaysia, Cason is fluent in Mandarin, Malay, Cantonese and Taiwanese Hokkien. He enjoys cooking, baking and Chinese Orchestra. Before coming to the Bar, he performed internationally as a ‘Sheng’ player (traditional Chinese wind instrument).


Bar Vocational Studies, City, University of London – Distinction (ranked 7th in year of 370+)

Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL), University of Oxford – Distinction

LLB, King’s College London – First Class Honours (ranked 2nd in year)

Scholarships and prizes

Everard Ver Heyden Foundation Prize (2024)

Baroness Hale of Richmond Scholarship, Gray’s Inn (2023) – the Inn’s most prestigious Bar Course scholarship

Family Law Bar Association Scholarship (2023)

British Council IELTS Scholarship (2022)

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot 2024 (UK national rounds) – 2nd Best Mooter

Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot 2022 – Grand Finalist & 3rd Best Mooter

National Speed Moot 2022 – Champion

Skrine Moot 2021 – Champion & Best Respondents’ Memorial

No5 Chambers LGBTQIA+ Moot 2020 – Champion & Best Mooter